2nd CFC Eastern Canada Pro-Life Conference
WHEN: March 17 and 18 2007
WHERE: Sir John A. MacDonald Collegiate Institute
2300 Pharmacy Avenue, Toronto ON
Cost: $20
Objectives of the pro-life ministry
1) To defend and advance the “culture of life.”
2) To protect the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.
3) To preserve the family and its moral values, recognizing the sacredness and sovereignty of the family as the basic institution of society.
4) To establish a voice for the family against forces that seek to destroy the family and life, through fora, media and other channels of communication.
5) To provide information on, assistance to and continuing education for family, culture and life issues.
6) To promote the truth that “every crime against life is an attack on peace, especially if it strikes at the moral conduct of people.”
7) To support CFC in its work of evangelization, family renewal and total human liberation.
8) To collaborate with all other religions and sectors of society in its campaign for life.
In other words, to be pro-God, pro-family and pro-poor is to be pro-life.
**If you need a registration form e-mail Chapter heads/Household heads