Thursday, May 31, 2007

UNOFFICIAL Chillage @ the Beach

What: Cluster 3 Chillage @ the Beach
When: Saturday June 9th 2007
Time: 11:00a.m-4:00p.m

*Meeting Place for SNE, Markham and Durham!
Meet at Scarborough Town Centre Station on the platform in between the bus level and the subway level @ 10:00AM. We will wait for everyone until 10:30AM. After that, you will have to find your own way there.
IF YOU NEED A RIDE TO scarborough town let us know!

Things to Bring / you can Bring:
- Summer Clothes (dress appropriately / modestly)
- Sun Glasses, Hat, Towel, Sandals, Sun Block
- Volleball, Badminton Gear, Water Guns, Water Balloons?
- Bring Extra clothes (don’t leave w/o extra underwear!)
- IPod with Speakers?
- Food: Snacks, drinks…or bring money for food (There’s a Pizza Pizza, etc…)

Directions to Woodbine Beach, by Bus / Subway:
- Take the RT from Scarborough Town Centre to Kennedy Station
- Take the Bloor Subway Line all the way to Woodbine Station. (Kennedy, Warden, Victoria Park, Main Street, Woodbine)
- Go on the main level and take the 92 Woodbine South bus all the way to the beaches.
- You will know when to stop…you might see water. LOL

Directions to Woodbine Beach by Car on the Highway:
- Go on Highway 401 West
- While on Hwy 401, exit onto the DVP going downtown (Make sure you don’t head towards New Market)
- Exit on 375 Don Mills Rd SOUTH (Merge onto Don Mills Rd.)
- Left / East on Oconnor Dr.
- Right / South on Woodbine Ave.
- Woodbine Ave. will turn into Lakeshore Blvd. From here you will see the beaches.
- Find parking. LOL

Directions to Woodbine Beach by Car by taking Side Roads:
- Keep driving south until you reach Kingston Rd. on Markham Rd./Brimley Rd./Warden Ave. (You have to be on these three streets to meet Kingston Rd. or else go on any other street and you will meet Danforth Rd. and turn left/south when you see one of these three streets until you meet Kingston Rd.)
- Go west on Kingston Rd. until you reach Woodbine Ave.
- Go South on Woodbine Ave. and it will turn into Lakeshore Blvd. From here you will see the Beaches.
- Find parking. LOL

It is on your discretion when you want to go home. Please note that we are not liable for anything that happens, hence the event being unofficial. Please make sure your parents are aware of where your going, but do not call this event a YFC event.

Durham GA/Fellowship

There is NO GA this weekend, for those of you that heared about it, it is now cancelled for those people that are writing exams this month so you can concentrate on your studies!
God Bless.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Durham Household Assembly

Who? For all the suburbians who are a part of YFC Durham
What? An assembly for all our Households in our respective Chapter
Why? To further our spiritual development as Christian Youths of contemporary society
Where? Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church (796 Eyer Drive, Pickering, ON L1W 3C2)
When? Sunday, May 27th, 2007
Time? 1:20-4:30pm

If you are able to read this, then you are most certainly able to find the directions to Holy Redeemer using MapQuest or Google Maps by using the Church's Address: (796 Eyer Drive, Pickering, ON L1W 3C2) =)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Leaders Only

Who: Cluster 3 Community Leaders, HSB Presidents, Campus Presidents, and KFC Leaders
When: Saturday May 19th, 2007
Time: 10:00AM - 3:00pm
Where: Milliken Park (Why in the park? DID YOU LOOK OUTSIDE LATELY!!!!)

***Please note the following...
**Durham Leaders you have to bring:
Snacks (i.e. Chips, Donuts, Cookies, etc...) AND Cutlery, Paper plates, Cups, Napkins, etc...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Durham Game Day

Durham General Assembly
"Soccer Baseball"
Sunday May 13th @ St. Bernadette church, Ajax

*Wear comfortbale clothes and shoes!