Hey everyone!
After an AMAZING weekend at Camp Stronghold, we have had some recent additions to our lovely Durham family!!!
Come out and meet them at their
Covenant Orientation
Saturday March 8, 2008 from 10am-5pm
CFC Office (Sheppard/Shorting)
Take 401 East
Exit Markham South
Left on Sheppard
Right on Shorting (You should see a Tim Hortons there, before McCowan).
It will be on your third left
Look at the first door and you should be a sign that says Couples for Christ on it.
St. Isaac's Way of the Cross
Info on this listed below this blog entry and to your right hand side of the blog.
If you are interested in participating, our first practice will be on Monday March 10 at Andrei's house from 3pm-7pm to first start brainstorming and designating roles.
The 2nd practice TBA. Let us know if you are interested and we will email/send you directions to Andrei's.
2nd and 3rd practices TBA
Good Shepherd
Saturday March 15, 2008
Good Shepherd Centre
412 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 1T3
9am-2pm Approximately.
If you are interested, please email us and we will find you a way of getting there!!!
Household Assembly
Sunday March 30, 2008
St. Bernadette's